The Paintback scheme is operated by Paintback Ltd (PBL). As a not-for-profit, Paintback is governed by a board of directors, with an independent chairman. All funds are used for the company’s objectives and will not be distributed to its members.
Paintback's constitution established a board of directors who are highly skilled and experienced and are responsible for the oversight and proper management of the organisation, this board includes an independent chairman. It is operated by a management team and Chief Executive, accountable to the Paintback Board.
As a company limited by guarantee, the company must comply with the Corporation’s Act 2010. Paintback is registered with the Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission. The levy has been authorised by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission.

"I am excited to join the Paintback board & be part of a team that creates the change for the Paint and coatings industry."

“We as paint manufacturers have an obligation – we have an opportunity to work towards a circular economy, with a target of recovering up to 90% of collected unwanted paint and packaging. Together we can create a more sustainable paint industry and reduce its overall environmental impact.”

“There is enormous beneficial potential in having an industry led, research informed approach to product lifecycle that provides environmental custodianship to match great customer service. This is the future of industry accountability to manage the world’s precious resources”

“It is exciting to be developing a portfolio of new technologies to help achieve the best possible paint product stewardship outcomes for Australia.”

“We saw an opportunity to do something proactive and work with our peers to take responsibility for an industry problem, rather than rely on the government regulation.”

“This has been a genuine collaboration and we have had support from all levels of government from the start.”
Paintback's objectives are:
Operating the Paintback scheme by utilising the funds raised from the waste levy.

Contracting the services of local governments and waste service providers for the collection and safe disposal of unwanted paint and packaging.

Promote education and awareness of safe and accessible paint disposal.

Monitor, audit and report on the development of the scheme.

Support the significant program of research into new end-of-life uses for unwanted paint, packaging and the circular economy.